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Территория «НЕФТЕГАЗ». 2015; : 78-85

Методические основы выбора критериев работоспособности бурильных труб с внутренним защитным покрытием в заданных условиях эксплуатации в течение нормированного срока службы

Штырев О. О.


Список литературы

1. ГОСТ Р 53480-2009 Надежность в технике. Термины и определения.

2. Решетов Д.Н. Детали машин: Учебник. М.: Машиностроение, 1989. 496 с.

Territorija “NEFTEGAS” [Oil and Gas Territory]. 2015; : 78-85

Methodological bases of selecting the drilling pipes efficiency criteria with inner protective coating under specified operating conditions within rated service life

Shtyrev O. O.


This article specifies the advantages of drilling pipes with inner protective coating. Their widespread use abroad and lack of application experience in domestic oil and gas industry is marked. The main cause -absence of regulatory documents defining the performance criteria of the internal protective coating of drilling pipe. Drawbacks of existing concept "technical object performance criteria" as a combination of the desired properties of the object, determining its serviceability are considered, as well as refined concept is proposed: technical object performance criteria - is a set of its desired properties, performances of these properties in the initial state and after the external effects at different stages of life cycle, performance standards that determine the ability of this object to perform the required functions with the specified characteristics under specific operating conditions within rated operation life or service life. The algorithm of efficiency criteria selection for the drilling pipes internal coating serviceability under specified operating conditions within rated operation life is proposed. To implement this algorithm during the drilling pipe internal coating selection the functions of this coating and the required properties of the coating that provide fulfillment of these functions are systematized; hazardous types of external effects on the drilling pipes internal coating at various stages of their life cycle and their impact simulation during periodic tests on drilling pipes samples coated in laboratory conditions. On the basis of systematic organization the performance criteria of the coating are presented in the form of technical requirements for the internal protective coating of drilling pipes.

1. GOST R 53480-2009 Nadezhnost' v tekhnike. Terminy i opredeleniya.

2. Reshetov D.N. Detali mashin: Uchebnik. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1989. 496 s.